A court-approved custody order provides a clear breakdown of parental rights and responsibilities. Parents have a schedule to follow. They each generally have a certain percentage of overnight time with the children. They are subject to a specific schedule that...
3 reasons people pursue personal injury claims in Massachusetts
Many people have a negative opinion of personal injury claims. People talk skeptically about frivolous lawsuits and large judgments, often sharing half-truths or urban legends. For example, one of the most famous personal injury cases involves someone burned with...
Co-parenting a child under two requires special considerations
When parents of a baby get divorced, odds are both have concerns about the ideal way to co-parent. Unlike older kids, babies and infants need regular contact with each parent to form a lasting bond. Family courts in Massachusetts understand the unique challenges of...
3 things that can cause you to lose custody of your children
Child custody is usually one of the most contentious matters during a Massachusetts divorce case -- even though shared parenting is the norm for many families. Even after the divorce is finalized, you could still lose custody of the kids through the Massachusetts...
The art of the child visitation exchange
You and your former spouse may have agreed to go separate ways, but as long as you have children together, it will be difficult to avoid one another completely. As much as you look forward to seeing your children, the prospect of coming face to face with your ex may...
Why is parental alienation so damaging?
One of the consequences of getting divorced is the impact it has on your children. Loving and supporting your children may mitigate negative outcomes and help them adjust to the changes more willingly. Dealing with your ex may be a concern to you, especially if you...
What are the types of divorce?
There are a few options for a divorce in Massachusetts. Which type of divorce you choose depends on your situation and needs. In some cases, the law will tell you which you can file. However, understanding all the options is helpful so you can make an informed...
What is Chapter 13 bankruptcy?
When your debts seem to be straining your budget and leaving you afraid for your financial future, it may be time to file for bankruptcy. Before heading to court in Massachusetts, you will need to decide which type of bankruptcy to file. One of your options is Chapter...
Is MA an equitable distribution or community property state?
When you and your spouse finally decide to follow through with a divorce, you may have several questions, one of which is, how will the courts divvy up your property? Will the judge divide everything 50/50, or will he or she split up the property based on who paid for...
How does the court decide custody?
Perhaps one of the most important jobs of a family court judge is to decide custody cases. A Massachusetts judge is not just making a decision lightly in such cases. The decision he or she makes will affect multiple lives, so it has to be the right one. A judge does...