When someone's monthly expenses are higher than their household income, they may have to make difficult choices. Sometimes, it may be impossible to send the necessary payment to every creditor each month, which means that some accounts will end up in poor standing....
Photo of Ira C. Yellin
Month: June 2023
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Living Together During Divorce: 3 Tips For Couples
When a marriage is broken beyond repair and the couple resolves to divorce, sharing the same living space with your soon-to-be ex can be awkward at best and dangerous at worst. Consequently, it is not uncommon for one party to want out of the living situation before...
Is A Mortgage Loan Modification The Right Choice For You?
If you’ve been finding it difficult to make ends meet, you’re not alone. One of the options you might have looked into is a mortgage loan modification. It may be just what you need in order to take control of your finances, get yourself back on track and ultimately -...