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Why is parental alienation so damaging?

On Behalf of | Apr 26, 2021 | Uncategorized

One of the consequences of getting divorced is the impact it has on your children. Loving and supporting your children may mitigate negative outcomes and help them adjust to the changes more willingly.

Dealing with your ex may be a concern to you, especially if you feel that his or her actions may threaten your relationships with your children. Knowing the signs of parental alienation can help you to respond proactively to save your relationships.

Misconception and irrational fear

Manipulation fuels parental alienation. If you know your ex has used coercion, deception or irrationality in the past, he or she may try to use those tactics to get your children to dislike you. According to Healthline.com, your ex may try to program your children to believe falsehoods about you, your marriage and the reason the relationship did not work out.

As a result of the misconceptions your children hear and begin to believe, they may form an irrational fear of you. This could make spending time with you a traumatizing event. According to Healthline, characteristics of parental alienation include the following:

  • Your children do not show remorse for mistreating you
  • Your children verbalize their support of your ex
  • Your children criticize your actions
  • Your children exhibit hate toward you and your family members
  • Your children show signs of not wanting to be around you

Emotional and psychological damage

The emotional and psychological consequences of parental alienation are far-reaching and can affect both you and your children. Studies have shown that victims of parental alienation may suffer a host of lifelong problems including post-traumatic stress disorder, depression and guilt. As a parent, you may feel permanently removed or disengaged from your children’s lives.

Putting a stop to parental alienation before it worsens requires you to have self-control and continue to provide unconditional love to your children. Do not get defensive. When you do have the chance to be around your children, remind them of your love and support. Keep your promises to them and refrain from the temptation to place blame. Despite the circumstances, do your best to continue building a meaningful relationship with them.