There are people who refuse to take out credit cards because they believe that these are just a way to rack up debt that you can't afford. They're worried about finding themselves in a position where they can't pay back what they owe, and so they vow never to use...
Photo of Ira C. Yellin
Month: April 2022
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Can just one spouse go through bankruptcy?
When you and your spouse got married, you carried a lot of debt with you. You had a good job, though, so you felt it was find to have that debt and that you’d be able to pay it down over time. When you suddenly lost your job and couldn’t find a new one paying as much...
Will you pay penalties to split retirement accounts in a divorce?
Your retirement savings can provide a good standard of living for you and your spouse when you are done pursuing your careers in your golden years. You likely started saving based on your estimated retirement expenses years ago. Now that the two of you want to...